The General Office of the Jiangsu Provincial Government issued the

Jiangsu Province Patent Transformation and Utilization Special Action Implementation Plan

To fully implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress and the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Jiangsu's work, and to deeply carry out the decisions of the central government and the State Council on accelerating the construction of a strong intellectual property country, promoting patent industrialization, and transforming innovation achievements into real productivity, this implementation plan has been formulated based on our province's actual conditions and considering the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Patent Transformation and Utilization Special Action Plan (2023-2025)" (State Council Office [2023] No. 37).

I. Work Goals

By 2025, Jiangsu will have basically established a high-efficiency resource allocation, a dynamic factor market, adequate supporting services, and a benefits-sharing mechanism in the patent transformation and utilization system. Universities and research institutes will see a significant increase in patent industrialization rates, with the total amount of technical contracts involving patents reaching 80 billion yuan, the annual output value of registered patent-intensive products exceeding 100 billion yuan, and the added value of patent-intensive industries accounting for 17% of GDP, providing key support for building a globally influential industrial technology innovation center.

II. Main Tasks

Improve patent quality to lay a solid foundation for patent transformation and utilization:

  • Reactivate existing patents in universities and research institutes, comprehensively evaluate effective patents, and match them with relevant SMEs using new technologies like big data and AI. Establish a feedback mechanism involving enterprises to evaluate the prospects of patent industrialization, form a resource pool of patents based on supply and demand, and organize frequent professional patent exhibitions, roadshows, and auctions.

Improve patent output quality:

  • Implement the high-value patent cultivation plan, support the formation of high-value patent cultivation centers, and accelerate the cultivation of patent portfolios that meet industrial demands. Encourage universities and research institutes to evaluate patent applications and support market-valued technologies. Establish a credit rating system for patent agencies and improve the quality of patent filing.

Emphasize quality-oriented patent targets:

  • Optimize patent evaluation indicators in provincial government inspections, highlighting patent quality and transformation use. Avoid setting restrictive indicators for patent applications in local evaluations, and use transformation benefits as key assessment criteria in project evaluations, institution reviews, and talent evaluations.

Remove key bottlenecks and improve the patent transformation mechanism:

  • Expand reform pilots to grant researchers ownership of their scientific and technological achievements, optimize the benefit distribution of patent transformation, and establish a patent information sharing mechanism. Develop a due diligence and fault tolerance mechanism for patents.

Enhance the real economy and improve the effectiveness of patent transformation:

  • Foster patent-intensive enterprises and support researcher-led innovation and entrepreneurship. Develop new incubation models and fully conduct patent product registrations. Strengthen the strategic layout and transformation of industrial key technologies, enhance supply chain resilience, and promote international standards involving patents.

Strengthen supporting guarantees and stimulate patent transformation vitality:

  • Build comprehensive and professional verification centers for patent transformation. Enhance talent training efforts, develop patent transformation training programs, and encourage related educational programs. Promote diversified financial support for intellectual property, including patent securities and insurance.

Strengthen supporting services and promote patent protection:

  • Integrate intellectual property services and improve services for patent value assessment and market matching. Establish alliances, build intellectual property service clusters, and enhance legal support for patent transformation.

Deepen open cooperation for patent transformation:

  • Support open institutional innovation in free trade zones, expand intellectual property trade, and establish long-term regional patent transformation connections. Promote patent application in international research and ensure compliant and efficient intellectual property circulation.

III. Guarantee Measures

Strengthen organizational implementation:

  • Adhere to the leadership of the Party, establish a special provincial action group, and ensure that local governments prioritize patent transformation tasks.

Increase financial support:

  • Increase investment in patent transformation and utilize relevant tax incentives. Local governments should implement supporting financial policies.

Enhance performance evaluation:

  • Strengthen supervision and statistical monitoring of patent transformation activities and incorporate relevant data into annual and term assessments.

Foster a favorable environment:

  • Summarize and promote best practices, increase public awareness through media, and create a supportive atmosphere for patent transformation.

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